
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to strengthening, equipping, and edifying men through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. God has called men to lead in families, churches, businesses, and communities. When men don’t lead, these key social institutions grow weak and die. Biblically mature men are essential to the health of their families, churches, businesses, communities, and nations. So, our aim therefore is to come together as men to mutually strengthen one another to reach our full potential in Christ and to lead as servants of Christ.

 Men's Conference: Jan 25th, 2025

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Men's Studies

Wednesday Mornings 7:00am ZOOM ONLY MEETING

Want to get past that midweek grind? Join our Wednesday Morning Zoom Meeting before work and get your day started by being filled and encouraged with fellowship and God's Word!

Monday Nights 6:30pm In Person & Zoom

Join us on Monday nights at the church or on Zoom for time of fellowship, bible study and prayer.  We work verse by verse though books of the bible as iron sharpens iron to strengthen, edify, and encourage one another.

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